Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Girls Day

Have you ever noticed how some girls can't manage to go to the bathroom without at least two other girls going with her?  Does she need company?  Help?  ...a better developed self confidence?  As much as I abhor the practice of visiting the washroom in packs (and trust me.... I find it all kinds of weird) perhaps women inherently know that they are stronger in groups.  No matter the situation, having a close girl friend to vent to, share with, or commiserate with helps to make us stronger.  (Though now I'm rather wishing I could come up with a better metaphor than the High School girls bathroom clique.)  lol

The girls that you can call when you are having a crappy day, the girls that call you when their days are crappy - those are better friends.  Their are two ways you can define a good girl friend:

1.  someone who you would absolutely want as a bridesmaid at your wedding, but also someone who would be completely happy not to be, and still offer to help you plan in any way they could. 

2.  Someone who will help you hide, AND help you hide the body.

Today I got to hang out with two of my closest friends, two of the best, most caring, wonderful women on the planet.  All of us are in such different places in our lives, moving in different directions, growing in different ways.  Yet instead of focusing on the differences, or constantly reminiscing about the days we used to hang out every day we revel in the changes - embrace and explore the new directions our lives are going together.  Through weddings, and careers, moving across the country (or across the globe!) we stay strong.  I love that we are still so similar, and yet have become our own people.  I am a strong self confident person because whenever I feel otherwise, they are there to remind me. 

Today I just want to remind them - they are also strong, beautiful, amazing, caring, independent women.  No matter the distance between us I will always treasure our friendship. 

... and so ends the sentimental ramblings of a dreamy schmultzy mush of a person.  My next post will be on Monster Trucks, shot guns, and the WWE. ;)

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