Tuesday, May 10, 2011


One thing I've discovered since being in Japan is that I love to try new recipes.  Not only that, but I love to create new recipes - look in the cupboard or the fridge and throw things together that you think might work well together.  Over the past few months I've had a couple of great successes (The kabobs from the previous post point in fact), and a couple of edible-disasters.  I call them edible disasters because though we ate them (and Travis even said some of them were good, bless his heart) I would never make them again.

The stuffed peppers and the shrimp fried rice turned out rather well, if I do say so myself.  I have learned a few things though.

1) You CAN overuse Worchestershire sauce.  Small doses only
2) Saffron is extremely overrated.
3) Garlic can basically be put in everything
4) Everything is better with bell peppers
5) Celery goes bad faster than two people can eat it.

Happy Cooking! :)

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