Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's Summer....and the creepy crawlies are out.

Based on the following information, I have decided that it must be summer here in Misawa:

1.  I don't want to wear my slippers in the house anymore
2.  I want to run the A/C in the bedroom at night
3.  I am trying to avoid all "hot" cooking (using the stove/oven)
4.  Spiders have decided that they want to live in our house.
                  ....and apparently some peoples food.

The spiders here are terrible.  Big ones, little ones, long legs, short legs.  I'm at my wits end.  I dust!  I sweep...  but this house has holes in it.  Travis and I figured that out this past winter when we used to watch our nice heat seep out of the cracks under doorways and the spaces in windows.  Now I'm pretty sure that those little gaps are letting in critters. On a positive note, I've become the best duster in the east!  Travis and I have also worked out a deal - I'll kill the spiders with long legs and tiny bodies, but he's in charge of the big bodied short legged ones.  (They freak me out!!!)

Now I find out that I may have to avoid produce all together!  Below is a picture of what someone on base found in the green grape bag when they got home from the grocery store.

Gives me the willies!  I may never buy grapes again.... certainly not from the grocery store here!  Travis and I have slowly been moving towards buying more local produce from Japanese grocery stores, but I think that ?little? guy just clinched it.  If that's what you get by buying the American produce, I think I'm going to take my chances on the local stuff.  After the Earthquake and Tsunami we had moved away from buying that stuff because of a fear of radiation in the vegetables.  Now that things have been contained and regulations have been put in place, we are enjoying the Japanese lettuces, tomatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, and corn.  We even got a Japanese watermelon (regular price $40) for only $5!!!  It's delicious.  No more spider infested American grapes for this household.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

uggg....the spiders I don't miss at all. It got to be that in the summer I wouldn't open my back sliding door. Did I tell you about the giant spider-in-my-apartment story before? You probably don't want to know. *shudder*